Whilst the prime focus of Kivwton Park Infant School is to secure the best educational provision for our pupils, our school recognises our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and to provide a caring, safe and positive environment in which they can flourish. We are therefore committed to the highest standard of safeguarding and protecting the children in our care.
Key Documents
Mrs L Carr
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr M Hall
Safeguarding Governor
Mrs R Goucher
Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Miss S Lowe
Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Miss R Fretwell
Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Miss D Bowell
Deputy Safeguarding Lead (afterschool club)
We will ensure that:
all reasonable measures are taken to minimise the risks of harm to children’s welfare
all appropriate actions are taken to address concerns about the welfare of a child by working in partnership with other local agencies
we create an atmosphere where all our children feel secure, valued and listened to
all staff recognise signs and symptoms of abuse, and respond quickly and effectively
we monitor and support children at risk
the curriculum is used effectively to raise children’s awareness, build confidence and skills
we work in partnership with parent/carers and support external agencies
all adults within our school/service who have access to children have been checked as to their suitability